The OnSong website and corresponding web services exceed the industry standard for "up-time". However like any website, there's a need to upgrade things for the future. If you're reading this article, there's a good chance that OnSong is planning or experiencing some "downtime" while we make improvements.
Why Is the Website Down?
Our website and services runs on computers that sometimes need to be upgraded, or we are working on the infrastructure to make the OnSong website and its services more accessible. Taking the website offline is the best way to ensure that nothing changes during this migration.
How Long Will It Be Down?
Our scheduled maintenance windows provide for about an hour of downtime. If maintenance is taking longer than expected, we will revert the website and services to working condition.
When Does OnSong Perform Maintenance?
Because OnSong is used primarily by musicians, we've found that late nights and weekends are not the best time. Instead, we schedule our maintenance for early on Monday mornings with plenty of coffee for our tech team.
What Is Effected When the Website Is Down?
The easy answer is, everything. You won't be able to access our website, sign into OnSong, or create new accounts. However, our support website will continue to operate.