OnSong Console for Mac was first launched on November 19, 2015, to enable a new way to manage your OnSong library from a Mac computer. As of 2018, OnSong Console for Mac was no longer supported due to the costs of maintaining a platform-specific program. Instead, we have put our efforts towards the development of the OnSong Console web-based application.
OnSong Console is only available now with an OnSong Premium subscription. However, we want to make sure our users who had purchased OnSong Console for Mac continue to receive the functionality that they had previously. You can unlock OnSong Console on your iPad by following the directions on this web page: http://onsongapp.com/makegood
Please reach out to us if you have any questions. We believe that the current web-based application will continue to bring the functions of OnSong Console and grow as we make changes to OnSong into the future.