Cookies are little bits of information that get saved to your web browser and sent along with every request to a website. Websites typically use cookies to maintain state between web page visits so they are necessary for typical web browsing. For instance, if you sign into a website, you want to be signed in when you go from page to page.
However, cookies can also be used for tracking your activity on various websites. This can give companies additional information to deliver targeted advertising to you. While these cookies are anonymized, the scope of usage activity from various websites could be aggregated and used to obtain information about you without your knowledge. Just to be clear, OnSong doesn't sell or give your information away.
The OnSong website now prompts for permission to use cookies. It is common practice for websites to provide this prompt since it is required by law in certain states and countries. California and the European Union require us to show the prompt and many more governments are considering laws to protect your online privacy.
This new prompt gives you control over what you want OnSong to use cookies for. If you reject using cookies, OnSong will only store a cookie for maintaining session state for the OnSong website, but will not store any other cookies used to track affiliate sales or provide usage data to Google or third-party services. If you choose to allow cookies, you agree to use the website as normal. We haven't changed the website to use any more cookies, but are just now giving you control over your web browsing experience.